Post Game Jam Update

This is a changelog of everything added after the initial Game Jam Submission Date.

New Features:

Blackout Mode - A harder difficulty enabled in the title screen by pressing X, or the Up Button on a controller, blackout mode makes the lighting pitch black, massively reducing your visibility.

Decoration - every room in the game now has decoration such as trees, flowers, and bushes.

Shadow Orb Shield - The Shadow Orbs get 10 seconds on invincibility every time it spawns more enemies, this is too prevent spamming piercing attacks against the Orb to ignore the Spawned Shadow Monsters.

Controller Support - Added Controller support to the game, some things to note is that it is not the best implementation, but it works. The Control Scheme cannot be changed while in game, they can only be changed in the title screen. the tutorial area also does not have its text changed for controllers, the controls will need to be read in the project description.

Visible Screen Transition - A different Colored Patch of grass will show you where screen transitions are so you don't accidentally wander into one.


- Fixed Shadow Monsters moving very fast at lower frame rates

- Fixed the Title Screen Music not looping

- Fixed Shadow Monster Hitbox being able to damage you while its still doing its spawning animation

Changes & Balancing:

- The Flashlight Majorly slows enemies, they now almost completely stop moving within the light.

- Spark Attack, increased maximum times it can hit

-  magic Missile, does slightly more damage

- bubble, can hit enemies sooner after the bubble spawns

- Lightning, does slightly more damage

- Ice Spike, does slightly more damage

- Flashbang, Damage Reduced

- Laser, Damage Reduced

- Orb/Shadow Monster Hit Flash is slightly brighter

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